![]() Copyright ©2010 by Paul Niquette All rights reserved. |
![]() Every cloud…[1] had a natural cause ...to which the solution may be obvious...
[1] A man-made thermonuclear explosion
on earth would hardly qualify as a natural cause.
So then, does there exist any attribute
shared by the clouds in all four pictures?
The title of the puzzle, To
Billow or Not to Billow, offers a clue...
...and sure enough, all four
photographs show billowing clouds. Which is not
to say that all clouds billow.
Some are clumpy globs in the sky. Others are
streaky. Many are diffuse, with blurry
edges. A billowing cloud is recognizable at any
scale much like fractals
and always takes on sharply defined, convex
shapes. Billowing clouds would never be
described as nebulous...
...and yet one of the photographs shows part of what astronomers call a nebula. Based on dictionary definitions, the expression 'billowing nebula' would seem to be an oxymoron, like 'screaming silence'. Centuries before the telescope, certain celestial bodies were seen to be blurred -- "smudge around the glowing fire" as described by one ancient civilization. As telescopes have improved, nebulae have revealed themselves in exquisite detail.
Here on earth, a cloud must embrace at least seven conditions in order to billow.... {1} Gaseous Body ~~~~~~~~~ air, carbon
dioxide, water vapor -- all are invisible,
unless... Particulates of smoke or ash form clouds in billows by absorbing heat above fires or eruptions, driven upward by what is called convection. Sophisticated solvers know that convection has an an ironic aspect -- that convection uses gravity to overcome gravity. Warm air does not 'rise' in opposition to gravity. Instead, heat expands air, which becomes lighter, less dense. Unheated, unexpanded, and thus heavier air necessarily surrenders more readily to gravity, producing the requisite lifting -- think buoyancy -- to support billowing from beneath. Water in the form of liquid particulates forms billowing clouds by convection -- not by absorbing energy but by releasing energy: Whenever water vapor, which is invisible, gives up its 'latent heat of vaporization', water droplets form, which are comparatively opaque. More familiar to most of us is the heat required to boil water. Well, going the other way, that stored energy is capable of driving convection by expanding the surrounding air, with billowing clouds as the result. ![]() We turn our attention now to the billowing clouds in the Carina Nebula and ask, How many of those seven conditions apply in interstellar space? {1} Gaseous Body ~~~~~~~~ low pressure
gases, dominated by hydrogen and helium and...
...a mystery! Note the exclamation point, the only one in To Billow or Not to Billow.
Dark Matter was postulated by Caltech Astronomer Fritz Zwicky about the time the author of To Billow or Not to Billow was born. Observations relevant to Big Bang cosmology have resulted in an astounding accounting: Only 20% of the mass in the universe is made up of ordinary matter, the rest, 80%, constitutes unexplained, utterly transparent Dark Matter. The theory continues as the most widely accepted explanation of certain anomalies in galactic motions, even though a concrete understanding of Dark Matter remains elusive.Treatment of Dark Matter is outside the scope of To Billow or Not to Billow -- and light-millenia beyond the qualifications of the author. Nevertheless, direct evidence for the existence of Dark Matter does not exist. Perhaps until now (for large values of "perhaps"). Epilog Eight years after the publication of To Billow or Not to Billow, we have a report by the European Space Agency... XMM-NEWTON FINDS MISSING INTERGALACTIC MATERIAL... The 'evidence' seems to be consistent with speculations on the Solution page (for large values of "seems"). |
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