certain puzzler came across a file in his "Idea" folder
that reads, "Start with any integer, n.
If n is even, divide it by two; if n
is odd, multiply it by three and add
one. Repeat the process to generate a Strange Series of
An example in the file started with a
'seed' number n = 27 to produce a
sequence of integers as follows: 82, 41, 124, 62, 31,
94, 47, 142, 71, 214... They are shown
graphically below.
Familiar sequences like Fibonacci numbers, Factorials, and Totorials increase from one
entry to the next without zig-zagging, reaching for
unlimited space beyond the sky. The generating
formula (n / 2 | 3n + 1) is
extremely simple and seems to imply unbounded -- albeit
irregular -- growth. But wait...
ontinuing the
series for another 67 steps, the formula finds that
the numbers reach a maximum of 9,232, then decreasing
in an irregular way, winding up -- 'down', actually --
in the 111th step at
the integer 1, then cycling repeatedly through three
values 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1,... By experimenting
using a spreadsheet, you will find that every 'seed'
produces a sequence with an upper limit. For
example, n = 79 reaches a maximum of
Starting with n = 35 or
n = 53, the limit is the same, 160. Now,
increase the 'seed' from n = 53 to n
= 54 and you produce a series that ascends all the way
up to a peak of 9,232 before descending back down to
the 1, 4, 2 oscillation.
Taken together,
those facts and features may be enough to warrant the
cryptic title found in that long forgotten file: "Strange Series." An
exclamation point may also be warranted, but you are
advised to postpone that until after solving the
Which 'seed' does not
belong on this list?
27, 31,
41, 47, 62, 71, 82, 91, 94, 103, 107, 121,
124, 137, 142, 155, 161, 167, 175, 182, 206,
214, 233, 242, 248, 251, 263, 274, 283, 310,
319, 322, 328, 334, 350, 364, 376, 377, 395,
412, 425, 445, 466, 479, 484, 496, 502, 526,
566, 568, 593, 638, 656, 668, 700, 719, 728,
752, 754, 790, 793, 795, 824, 850, 856, 890,
911, 958, 968, 992, 1,079, 1,096, 1,132,
1,136, 1,186, 1,240, 1,276, 1,288, 1,312,
1,336, 1,367, 1,400, 1,438, 1,456, 1,504,
1,619, 1,648, 1,712, 1,780, 1,822, 1,864,
1,936, 1,984, 2,008, 2,051, 2,104, 2,158,
2,192, 2,264, 2,272, 2,429, 2,480, 2,552,
2,576, 2,624, 2,672, 2,734, 2,800, 2,912,
3,008, 3,016, 3,077, 3,160, 3,238, 3,296,
3,400, 3,424, 3,560, 3,644, 3,728, 3,832,
3,872, 3,968, 4,016, 4,102, 4,208, 4,384,
4,528, 4,544, 4,744, 4,858, 4,960, 5,104,
5,152, 5,248, 5,344, 5,600, 5,752, 5,824,
6,016, 6,032, 6,154, 6,320, 6,592, 6,800,
6,848, 7,120, 7,288, 7,456, 7,664, 7,744,
7,936, 8,032, 8,416, 8,632, 8,768, 9,056,
9,088, 9,232 |
