Copyright © 2000 by Paul Niquette. All rights reserved. |
proper rational fraction is one that can be expressed as
the ratio of two
integers, p and q, where p
not greater than q. Rational fractions
are expressible as
infinitely repeated pattern of decimal ciphers, each of
which may be considered
to be an integer divided by some power of ten.
Let the repeating pattern be represented by the symbol s having a length of n decimal digits. We reason as follows:
ou surely noticed that if q = 999999, the conditions are satisfied no matter what the value of s may be, since q carries the entire burden of divisibility. The previous sentence deserves an exclamation point, for we have discovered a general solution for all Repeating Decimal Decimals. Thus, for q = 999999, p = s. That solution always exists. Almost always. But then you might have also noticed that, since 645732 happens to be divisible by 3, we can let q = 333333, and the conditions are satisfied, making p = 215244, which gives us a second solution to the puzzle. What about q = 111111? That works too, in this case, since 645732 also happens to be divisible by 9, giving us a value of p = 71748. Accordingly,
there are three solutions
to our original puzzle.
Things are not quite perfect in the land of Repeating Decimal Decimals. There is one pattern of digits s which cannot be generated as an unending sequence by the ratio of two finite integers p / q, where q is not less than p. Can you find it? {Return} |