roodles like
these date back more than a half-century...

The editorial staff at Puzzles with
a Purpose decided it was time for some new ones.
Easier said than done. Our present ensemble of
cyberwriters could not be called into service.
* Ana Pest was
meeting a deadline for The Imitation Game;
* Otto Prosaic
regards the graphical user interface (GUI) as
unwholesome; and
* S. A. Render will
accept only text-intensive, non-fiction assignments.
A new capability had to be developed:
Ima Scribbler. Droodles out of Scribbler's
stack, so to speak, have a techno-confined look to

Can you figure out what they

Dozen Droodles
Discovered in 2015
xcuse the
mess. Seems that more than 18 years have gone
by since the publication of Droodle
Generation. Ima Scribbler cannot be
coaxed out of retirement, and we are reluctant to
disturb the dozen droodles discovered scattered on
the office floor.