have two lengths: number of letters when written, number
of syllables when
What word can be pronounced
quicker by adding
a syllable to it?
Abbreviations save letters. Often
abbreviations save syllables.
For example,...
IBM saves 6 syllables, same as U.S.A.
But 3M saves 10 syllables.
TLD (Triple Letter Designator) saves 5
RBI saves only 1 syllable.
TWA costs an extra syllable.
World Wide Web costs 6
syllables when abbreviated
to WWW.
In realms of commerce, of course, TLDs
do more than abbr.
Building big motorcycles motivated
Birmingham Small Arms
to become BSA.
Diversification into computers induced
National Cash Register
to become NCR.
For "share of mind," 3M does a whole
lot better than...whatever
those initials stand for.
That initialization improves Trans World
is unclear to me,
and Bavarian Motor Works is known to fewer than half the
yuppies making
payments on BMWs.
What word can be pronounced
funny by taking
a syllable out of it?
There are several words which have
8 letters but only 1 syllable
(strength, sleights, thoughts)...
Can you name
an 8-letter word with
5 syllables? |
