Cross-Number Puzzle

Copyright ©2003 by Paul Niquette. All rights reserved.

Cross Number
1 F(24) - P(228) +1
6 Plutonium (a.w.)
9 213
13 R(4)
15 Mark of the Beast
16 California 
17 R(7)
18 3*P(19)
19 Arabian Nights
20 Who do we
22 R(9)
24 P(528) + 753 -1
27 Dalmatians
28 Batting perfection
29 173 - P(17)
31 216 - P(551)
36 P(89) * 24
37 P(5) * P(116)
38 Beverly Hills (Zip)
39 [P(9)/99 + P(2)]/10
41 P(499)
43 Eleven gross
44 8! - P(1193)
45 P(503)
46 332 - 32
47 Palindromic 
49 2/7
51 R(8) + S(24)2
55 P(384)-1
56 22 * 32 * P(24)
57 Quarter-mile
59 R(6)
64 3*P(71)
65 Toll-free
66 R(5)
67 Palindromic year
68 Boiling point
69 105 - 1
1 P(47)
2 Boeing jet
3 P(50)
4 Sunset Strip * 2
5 Honolulu (Zip)
6 F(19) + S(9) - 1
7 Full circle
8 3102 + 10*2
9 (9 Across) - P(36)
10 S(76) - P(8)
11 2*P(453)
12 P(8)/(102 - 1)
14 P(15)/(102 - 1)
23 P(449)
24 8!
25 124
26 154
27  - 3
28 P(270)
30 185 / 333
32 New York (Zip)
33 (24 - 1)4
     US Centennial
34 4*(213 - 13*17)
35 7!
40 72 * 92 + P(9)
42 104,279 / 111,111
48 9,494 / 33,333
50 6,281 / 11,111
51 Twelve Past
52 P(1,140) - 1
53 Even split
54 Voyage of 
55 Orwellian
     Year + 18
58 Retirement plan
60 P(77)
61 P(145)
62 P(80)
63 P(120)
Solution entries are (1) integers in common units, (2) truncated proper fractions with assumed decimal point immediately preceding the most significant digit, or (3) idiomatic numbers.  F(n) = nth Fibonacci Number; P(n) = nth Prime Number; R(d) = the dth Reaman Numeral selected by its own do-si-do digit; S(n) = Sum of the First n Integers.