adj. 1. In
a stupor; stupefied. 2. Slow to apprehend; dull; obtuse.
3. Showing a lack
of sense or intelligence. 4. Informal.
Uninteresting; trite
or dull; a stupid job. [French stupide,
from Latin stupidus,
from stupere, to be stunned.]
Synonyms: slow, dumb, stupid, dull, obtuse, dense, crass. These adjectives mean lacking in mental acuity. Slow and informal dumb imply chronic sluggishness of perception or understanding: stupid and dull occasionally suggest a mere temporary state. Stupid and dumb also refer to individual actions that are extremely foolish. Obtuse implies insensitivity or unreceptiveness to instruction. Dense suggests a mind that is virtually impenetrable or incapable of grasping even elementary ideas. Crass refers especially to stupidity marked by coarseness or tastelessness. -- The American
Heritage Dictionary of
the English Language
Non Sequitur of the First Kind (an inference or conclusion that does not follow from established premises or evidence) makes way for logical absurdities.
"To keep the elephants away." "There are no elephants within miles of here." "Works pretty well, doesn't it."