Watch out if you're out in the next solar flare!
Something's poking huge holes in the Pole's ozone layer.
Much acclaimed, it's been named "fluorocarbon nightmare."
Just try to imagine how little I care.
Some dig digging in salt mines for fault lines laid bare
Near nuclear dumpsites we're putting down there,
But too much attention can give one a scare,
So, try to imagine how little I care.
Of some chemical compounds we're told to beware;
One might guess, a professional pesticide sprayer
Would hardly feel safe eating apple or pear.
Yet, try to imagine how little I care.
Internal combustion's emissions prepare
A carbon dioxide heat trap. Now sun's glare --
Through greenhouse -- is melting ice caps by the pair!
Oh, try to imagine how little I care.
If petroleum crude, so increasingly rare,
Will be piped from Alaska and inland Zaire,
Look for spilling and spoiling and shores to repair.
But try to imagine how little I care.
Nevermind the concerns of a doubting sooth sayer;
While ecologists fret, one views water and air
Both abundant and free to be found everywhere,
Thus try to imagine how little I care.
While gripped in grand gridlock and pulling one's hair,
Does that toxified type who refused to ride-share
Ever suffer misgivings of conscience? Au contraire!
Then try to imagine how little I care.
Does your Senator, Congressman, Alderman, Mayor
Each seek to appease their supporters and thus dare
To suppose a wide world with resources to spare?
Well, try to imagine how little I care. |